100% of donations are Utilized for this project. How are the donations dispersed?
• Website Upkeep. We would bore you with all the details. Everything from servers the site is hosted on to various licenses of software that make up all the parts. It adds up.
• Fastest in the Canyon Series. Currently we take in most of the cost of awards and such in this series that gives back to Sabino Canyon via Friends of Sabino Canyon. And even without a single donation, this would continue. As giving back to the Sabino Canyon, as well as encouraging everyone to push themselves in a rewarding endeavor in itself that gives us great joy. Of course we are always welcome to donations that are not monetary too.
• Donating to organizations. Any donations that we don’t utilize, does not line pockets. These will be funneled to organizations that enhance and preserve Sabino Canyon and all that spend time here. Organizations such as Friends of Sabino Canyon, Sabino Canyon Volunteer Naturalists, and so on.
Reach out to us if you would like to sponsor on any level. Doesn’t need to be a monetary donation. Call or text us 24/7 at (520) 231-1199 or Email us at
- Ethan Schmidt | $10 | 5.7.2021
- Desert Girl Designs | $100 | 5.26.2021
- Chris Dillman | $120 | 6.21.2021
- Russell Krone | $50 | 6.22.2021
- Kit Holmes | $25 | 6.27.2021
- David Vincent | $50 | 7.7.2022
- Russell Krone | $100 | 8.26.2022
- Richard Carver | $50 | 8.29.2022
- Everyone Runs | $75 | 4.18.2023
- Richard Carver | $120 | 7.3.2023
- David Vincent | $200 | 12.25.2023
- Chris Dillman | $100 | 12.26.2023
- David Vincent | $200 | 12.18.2024
- Russell Krone | $100 | 12.18.2024
- Alex Offer | $100 | 12.19.2024