Sabino Canyon Volunteer Naturalists

Sabino Canyon Volunteer Naturalists Logo


We are a volunteer organization devoted to helping people of all ages appreciate the natural wonder of Sabino Canyon, a beautiful and ecologically diverse riparian area in the Sonoran Desert.

Through our Public Interpretation program of Walks, Hikes, and Demos SCVN helps visitors learn about and experience the wonders of Sabino Canyon, the Santa Catalina Mountains, and the Sonoran Desert. We provide Lizard walks complete with binoculars and Lizard Guide, Summer Storytime for the under 8 crowd, Wildflower hikes on Mt. Lemmon, on-site demonstrations, and discussions of local flora and fauna. We also offer field activities, like panning for garnets in Sabino Creek, which are fun for children and adults alike.

For community groups and local organizations, our naturalists will lead walks, talks, or demos about the flora and fauna of the area. This service is offered to youth groups like the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, to small school groups who cannot participate in our regular elementary program, or to organizations that want to take their employees on a special experience in the Sonoran Desert.